31 December, 2008

Just added January 1, 2009

Cherry Kiss Burlesque is performing their Eyes Wide Shut number at CLub Tease:

25 September, 2008

Just added - Friday September 26

Dancing with Big Dave and His Dirty Liars at the Derby

It will be a hip-shakin', foot tappin' good time

11:45 at The Derby 4500 Los feliz, CA 90027

09 September, 2008

The Hip Kitty Kaberet - September 11

A month of Sundays

of 5 anyways....

that is right - 5 glorious Sundays in a row - at Bordello

1st - the Peepshow Menagerie - sept 7

then - Shimmy and Shake - sept 14

followed by - Camp Burlesque - Sept 21

then - sept 28 - A night with Tony James and the Jamesons

Oct 5 - we go red - with peepshow menagerie

01 August, 2008

Alley of the Dolls - August 6 - El cid

60's theme - must mean it's time to break out the tambourine....

19 July, 2008

Cha-Ching for Cha-Cha - August

October with Shimmy and Shake

Shimmy and Shake - August - September

July 20 - Hollywood Burlesque Tour

Friday July 25th - Supernova a go-go - comi-concomi-co

VVH: San Diego or Bust: Comic-Con here we come!

Victory Variety Hour, LA's own "high-fallutin' low brow" variety show is hitting the road: Comic-Con or Bust!

COMIC STRIP! San Diego's Fishnet Follies Burlesque Revue meets LA's Victory Variety Hour's SUPERNOVA A GO-GO, Friday July 25th.

Holy fishnets, Batman! It's COMIC STRIP! (9PM)
Fishnet Follies Burlesque Revue returns with a comics-themed spectacular, showcasing San Diego's favorite burlesque beauties and special out-of-town guests.

Headlining: Ruby Rocket® - "The Real Life Comic Book Pinup Girl" (Austin, TX)
With San Diego's own a bit o' Burlesque, Hell on Heels, Lady Borgia, Mynx 'Meanor and back by popular demand: Bombshell Betty (San Francisco) and Flame Cynders (Los Angeles).

And see your favorite sci-fi pin-ups come to life at LA's longest running sci-fi burlesque show, SUPERNOVA A GO-GO (11pm)

See: PENNY STARR, JR., JEWEL OF DENIAL, and KAT as the cat-fighting Princess Leias
Thrill: to RED SNAPPER as the Orion Slave Girl
Wonder: at NYC performer HARVEST MOON
Hear: famed actor VERNON WELLS ("Wez" from THE ROAD WARRIOR) present a dramatic reading of his favorite film roles
With live music by NAUTICAL DISASTER
Comedy, prizes, go-go dancers and more!

And gasp as Dr Who battles the Dalek forces

COMIC STRIP! Fishnet Follies Burlesque Revue meets
Victory Variety Hour presents SUPERNOVA A GO-GO
Friday, July 25, 2008
Brick by Brick– 1130 Buenos Ave. San Diego 92110
Doors 8PM
Show 9PM and 11PM
$15 ($12 with flyer)
Advanced tickets on sale at the convention, booth 1617

VVH page

17 June, 2008

look what i did

okay - nothing super major - just a calendar at the bottom of the page

a working calendar that is currently as up to date as i am

a working calendar that displays repeating events - WOW!

that is all

maybe I will actually get a website up too - !